
goodnight :)

today's D-3 i have to go back to my real life, or you can call it MAG(elang)-CITY, or SMA TARUNA NUSANTARA if you wanna know completely.

it's the greatest holiday i ever had since i studied in magelang. why did i say like that? i'll tell you something but after this i must kill you wkwk

what is that? that's frog and cow doll, and i do love both of them since this holiday. he calls me 'sapi', and i call him 'kodok'. funny, huh? he called me 'sapi' bcs i love cow doll since i was on junior high. and why did i call him 'kodok'? i dont know, that word crossed my mind at that time wkwk

well, i'll go, for about 6months. it means, 6months without texting along the day, no mentions, no dinner with him, and no cares from him... it's the hardest part i think. leaving someone is not nice actually....

*ribet pake bhs inggris, pake bhs nenek moyang aja*

kadang orang ninggalin seseorang lainnya tanpa rasa bersalah dan ngerasa ada sesuatuuu gitu. they just think about theirself, gimana mereka pas pergi, tanpa mikirin efeknya ke orang yg dia tinggalin itu. and now it's happened to me-_- he could say he was okay when im gone, but im not really sure. 6 bulan itu lama lho, tapi kemarin gue berhasil 8 bulan ngga ketemu sm doi wkwk

terlalu banyak sebenernya yg pingin gue share di sini, tp ntaran aja lah gampang wkwk gonna miss you much @H...... :')

p.s.: I Love You

we call it POLAROID♥

hello, i'm in a holiday now :D as usual, i don't go anywhere, i just go home, Bontang yeyeye it's an absurd city but i don't know why, i can miss it really easily wkwk

well i only have 5 days left before i go back to Mag-city, sht-_- it means 5 days again i'll meet theeeem:

duo galau wkwk

actually i miss them much :(
eleventh grade is so damn marvelous, everything's more flexible, friends are very nice, and we've known each other. and in the second semester, i wish we can be closer :D

happy sweet age birthday :)

thanks for these 17 years , Ya Allah :)
may you keep giving me a long life, healthiness, strength, thoughness, and make my life gets brighter, always give me the best... amen ...

surprises from my beloved treasurer sister, thankyou berry much sister ria :*

fight and smile


it's been.... 1... or 2.... or 3... hmm it's been long time since the last time i wrote here-_- yak, i'm a busy person right now wkwk

i've been being eleventh grader for about 3 months, i've passed my first daily test and midterm test, and i've something called.... love :">

kembali jadi orang pribumi *krik*

kelas XI ini nilai gue subhanallah gaulnya. ini kali pertama matematika gue dapet ehm... 4-_- ini kali pertamanya juga fisika dapet 5-__- ini kali pertama KEWARGANEGARAAN gue her, terus gue ini org indonesia apa bukan!? -_________________- tapi alhamdulillahnya sih gue masih bisa masuk 10 besar di kelas, ngga papa, gue bukan ngga bisa, tapi belom dapet kesempatan untuk ngerasain dapet nilai bagus dan ngga her *sok bijak ehm*

gue sayang banget sama kelas gue, named POLAROID. anaknya asik2, yaaa walaupun ada aja oknum yg bikin kelas gue ngga asik. tapi ngga papa sih, seenggaknya ada salah satu, salah dua, salah banyak orang yg selalu bisa bikin gue ketawa :)

besok sore tes wawancara OSIS, gue mikirin lagi jabatan yg gue mau. gue mikirin lagi mampu ngga gue disitu. gue mulai mertimbangin lagi keputusan yg gue ambil dengan sangat tidak memikirkan resiko ke depannya. gue ngga tau apa yg bakal terjadi besok dan seterusnya, satu yg gue yakin, kalo gue mau PASTI bisa...

lusa adek kelas Xnya RPS, PKT, Pembaretan. cepet bgt yak, kayaknya dulu PDK gue naudzubillah lamanya sampe kering sampe berjamur kali PDK 4 bulan-_- semangat aja deh ya adek2 gue yg mau RPS, selamat bercapek2 ria wakaka jahat bgt, pasti capek, tapi rasain esensinya :)

malem ini segitu aja deh, kalo dilanjutin positif ngegalau pasti wakaka

by the way yg ngga penting, for you who makes little part of my life turns into beautiful one, tetep semangat ya, walaupun perjuanganmu stop di 20 besar, tapi bukan ngga mungkin kamu bakal jadi apa yg kamu mau kan, Allah pasti punya jalan yg lebih baik buat kamu, keep fighting and keep smiling :)

they who have seen this page
